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The Inwood Theatre

Dec 27th

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Jan 30

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Show report for Saturday October 3rd

Shannon's Line Up

Report by Shannon

Shannon’s Line-up Show Report

Before this gets too far, let’s set down some of the facts. If I don’t (and if you weren’t at the show) you’ll get very, very confused by reading show report this week. I was Bastard of the Quarter. What this means is that I got to design my line up for the night. Also, Leah gave me permission to be…not sober at the show. Whee! So! After drinking a liter in about an hour I was ready for show time. What follows are the EXACT notes I took DURING the show. Drunk writing! Woot, Go Team Shannon. I’ll also have notes that will try to explain what the hell I was talking about when I wrote that. If I know. There’s some stuff in there that left me going “WTF Watson…seriously.” ZOMG. The writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation was all horrible and akin to something you’d find on Yes folks, it was THAT bad. Ye have been warned.

The Line-Up

Frank – Mike
Janet – Napoleon (referred to by his real name is some cases…so Brad)
Brad – Jery
Riff – Walker
Magenta – Beau
Columbia – Mary
Rocky – Pete
Dr. Scott – Amy
Eddie – Cody
Criminologist - Fish

Transies – Jason and Donna (and a bunch of other people, but I was drunk and didn’t assign those transies…so I don’t remember who all did it. But they all did wonderfully.)

The show line up had been kept secret (more or less) from the majority of the actual players, so no one really knew what they were going to be doing. So the reactions from the various players were amusing. The rest of cast and the audience were amused. So without further ado, I present My Show Notes!

Pete looks sad. Poor Brad. Pete took his shirt off. Yay! Jason’s mask is…Jason. Walker doesn’t know opening…or fakes it half a second late. Poor Jason. Yay Brad!! Yay Jery! Beau is in Riddler. Haha! Yay Brad and Jery!

(Note 1: These all take place during opening dance. Pete really did look quite sad. I didn’t know whether to be amused or feel bad. I settled for very amused in the long run. Napoleon (Brad) looked confused in his role of Janet. He told me after the show he had fun though, so that’s really all that matters. Pete took his shirt off during the song. I really didn’t expect it. This being a theme show type thing, he probably could’ve gotten away with playing Rocky fully clothed, so I was impressed that he did what he had. When I announced that Jason had to play a Transie, he informed me that he was Anti-Makeup and I told him to just wear a mask then. And he did. It was a Jason hocky mask painted gaily. I was very amused with that. I <3 Napolean and Jery. In my drunken “I love everyone” writing you’re going to see a lot of ‘yay!’ running around. Beau decided to come prepared. He was wearing his Riddler costume and Columbia shorts and random other things. I don’t know what all, but the most dominate was definitely the Riddler costume.)

Yay for Fishy! I’m drunk and my pencil tipe keep breaking. OW. Abuese.

(Note 2: Damn mechanical pencils, this one was determined to break every couple of words. I’m fairly sure this was one part lousy pencil and nine parts Drunk!Shannon. And yes, there WAS abuse. During car scene Mary and Beau were doing windshield wipers when it occurred to Beau that he and Mary would get to do lesbian scene together. Mary decided to take it out on the drunk who caused this atrocity. So yes, abuse.)

Yay Walker! Riff Light. Beau is a creepy Mags. ZOMG! Poor Walker doesn’t know Riff very well. Haha!

(Note 3: Not creepy in the don’t-cross-him-in-an-alley-way, but creepy in the zomg-he-might-have-communicable-diseases-way. And Walker really did look like he was guessing on what to do most of the night. It was hilarious.)

Donna! Together! Forward! Out! Beau in Riddler Mags is SCARY!! YAY Mary! I think she might stab me after the show. Bodygaurd please. I’m out of alcohol…booo…well at least in the jug. Teehee. YAY! Fish got on the table for the time warp. I’m too afraid of falling to do that. YAY MIKE!!! Oh Sweet T Is much better than I ever expected…I’m so happy…and its not the alchymahol!! Beau up Jery!!

(Note 4: I have no idea what that last sentence was about. Truly. It would help if I wrote complete sentences. Whatever it was, I was awfully excited cause I used TWO exclamation points damnit.)

Woo! Beau was in Riff’s spot! Mike has a Hitler Stasch!! Walker forgot lab coats…haha…I almost said goats. Jery wearing dye die. Oh Pete is next!! Hee! Silly Mike…turned too soon to face tank!! (Note 5: Beau plays Riff. It’s the first part he learned a long time ago. So when he started walking towards elevator early I was very amused. It reminded me of his first night as Frank, and I was Riff, and he kept mouthing my lines without realizing it. It was glorious. And Mike DID have a Hitler ‘stasch. Amy drew it on for him. I was writing coats….the ‘c’ somehow became a ‘g’ and I wrote in heavy pencil a ‘c’ over it…then felt the need to explain WHY this had happened. Oh silly me. We’re at tank scene, so obviously I’m excited about Pete getting ready to play Rocky. I kept telling people that my show was 90% spite, except for one or two people. Pete has done nothing to me, never. Yet…I cast him as Rocky anyways. It just HAD to be done. But I <3 my entire lineup.)

Awwww…Jason flipped me off… Yay! Caramel Dansen. More love for Brad and Jery and Donna for getting it! Yay! Pete got on the tank like a pro!! Damitip pencil keeps breaking. Haha! Pete’s in boxer shorts. Jason is pommel horse. Remembering spelling is hard. Yay Eddie and Colombia! Two Eddies are gonna get confused!! I can Cody. He’s actually a really good Eddie! Hooray the Eddies didn’t get confused and fuck up! I’m so proud of them both!! THEY DID THE LIFT!! I’M SO FUCKING HAPPY RIGHT NOW! HA! THAT’S CAUSE THEY IS AWESOME!!

(Note 6: Jason DID flip me off! Pffft! Fine, see if I ever cast you in anything again. Jerk. >.> I was very impressed that Pete got on the tank. It scares most people and is wobbly, but he did it. I was expecting the two Eddie’s to get confused during the dance. Really, I was. They let me down terribly. However, they fucking rocked. That and they did the lift. If I wasn’t lazy I would scan my written notes just so you could see the excitement in the all caps, exclamation point riddled, happiness that was written. You just don’t get the same drunken happiness in the typed word. Really, it’s a shame.)

Cody (Eddie) killed Jason! Ha!! Mary’s very happy with boobs! Poor Pete Maybe I shoulda warned him…and Jery was still Midget! Yay! Haha…The Hoff rules all. I hate Shannon Ra Ra Ra Ra…I almost forgot how to spell my own name…

(Note 7: They were chanting I hate Shannon, during Frank and Rocky’s wedding. It made me giggle like someone who should probably be locked away. And yes folks, I really did almost forget that my name has two ‘n’s in it. I had to squeeze an extra ‘n’ in. *sigh*)

Beau is sniffing the rag GAH!! Run away Pete Run away! Get ‘im get ‘im Walker!! Poor Beau! Yay!! Jason’s floorwalking now! He was a great transie btw. Brad is an aweson Janet! Squeee! Yay! Fish is still awake! It was recently his bday! So everyone love him! ZOMG! Mary and Beau! Lez scene! Ha!! Haha!! Poor Pete…at least he and Brad are getting into hit…Mary is trying to kill Beau…Jery’s boobs! Ahhh…audience fails! Yay Amy! I loves her! She’s amazing. Pete and Napolean amuse me so freaking much. Leah say Beau fails at gong scene. Yay! Fish does glassturbastion well…Beau makes me sad…Maggie shouldn’t wear Riddler and garter belts…haheh! Mike is chasing Brad! I’m eating chocolate and can’t taste it. Hooray Mary! She’s obviously watched Amy or studied the movie. Walked touched Beau’s bizness! Poor Amy…Beau and Walker. Yay Fish is still awake!! Yay! Danny fixed Brad floordance! Yay! Mary! Haha!! Asleley is helping Pete w/floorshow. And Danny is standing behind Jery “helping” and Megan’s helping Brad. Oh goh he’s wearing scary unbies and fishnets. YAY! MIKE LOL! I love our boys and poor Mike! Haha!! I love our people…line dance is fucked….deaannm uh…oh…Mike arm up!

(Note 8:No notes up till now because I felt it was pretty self-explanatory. But that last sentence, after the I love our people, I have NO FUCKING IDEA. Really. None. Words fail me.)

You fail…or phail. Whichever. Walker is wearin’ sparkly pants for space suit secence! Awwwww! Pete flip me off when I told him he could do it! Haha! Gregg Grubbs Poor Walker.

(Note 9: One of the floorwalkers shouted out “Who called me Gregg Grubbs” which is dramaish related, but hilarious nonetheless. Hence the poor Walker)

I love Brad and Jery. They rock my socks. Show went so much faster than expected and Fish stayed awake mostly cause I’m not sober I think.

(Note 10:I’m fairly certain the “mostly cause I’m not sober I think” was supposed to be written after the show going much faster than I thought, because really, I have no idea what my being sober would have to do with Fish staying awake to play Crimmie. That just makes no amount of sense.)

But yay! I spelled almost everything right!

(Note 11: And I did too. :-D)

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The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and all related images
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