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The Inwood Theatre

Dec 27th

The Texas Theatre

Jan 30

Gwen's Corner

Show report for Saturday November 7th

Report by Jason

Saturday, November 7th: Not your typical Rocky Horror performance. No, it was a regular whodunnit. But not really. Well, for the purposes of this report, it was. Starman already did a noir show report recently though, so I'm just going to have to half ass this one. So let's start off with the (un)usual suspects:

Frank: Wes
Janet: Amy
Brad: Fish
Riff Raff: Beau
Magenta: Mary
Columbia: Madame Leah
Dr. Scott: Mike
Rocky: Britt
Eddie: Shannon
Criminologist: Charles
Transies: Bizah, Buttons, Emily, Gussie, Jery, Lyndi, Megaaaan, Melissa, Napoleon, Scott, and Vex
Techs and such: Ashley, Walker, Donna, Danny, Nuggett, Marc, Britt, Paul, Gussie, and Lyndi
Floorwalkers: Jason, Jeremy, Shannon, Sean

First off, even though the crowd was smaller than usual (although after two sold out Halloween shows, who could blame them), there was some restaurant quality hotness at the show, and most of it was on full display dancing onstage before the show. Were people clapping? No, but in their defense: it's hard to clap with one hand in your pocket. Giggity.

Now here's where it gets interesting. See, it's Beau's last show for a little while (something about gender reassignment surgery, I think. He keeps talking about getting rid of an organ?), and there's a bit that he's been wanting to do for a while. Brad and Janet go about their business, they get a flat, then sing their way to a creepy castle, no deviation from the norm. They ring the doorbell, and ask the kindly caretaker if he has a phone that they might borrow...

And he gives them a phone.

Yes, we stopped down the movie, and Riff hands Brad a phone (a magic one fitted with a microphone for just such an occasion). Brad makes a call and the friendly OnStar operator answers and dispatches a tow truck to their location. The lights come up, I introduce the cast (which is to say, Brad, Janet, Riff, the transies, techs, and floorwalkers), then we all take a bow and say good night.

Well, except that like the movie Clue, that's how it COULD have happened. How it really did happen was, we had to start the movie again and keep going. Oh, and Colonel Mustard is really Keyser Soze.

The rest of the show was a good time though: we had some oooooooold audience that night, so we were able to dust off a few chestnuts from days of yore, and they were firing them right back at us. Wes just got his nipples pierced, so messing with them was the cool new fad of the evening. I grabbed a LOT of asses, as is my way. Beau came out in some other kind of costume instead of his spacesuit...something from some other movie that I know nothing about. Probably some indie flick or something. Or The Guyver.

Finally, we all finished the show for reals, and everybody got to come out and bow again, except for the people who didn't get to bow the first time, but fuck them, they get enough attention.

That was the show, you should've been there. Seacrest, out!

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The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and all related images
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